Author Archives: False Progress

About False Progress

Burned out on mindless people and growing intrusions on quality of life.

Country Musician Shames Antifa & Black Lives Matter As Criminals

Try That In A Small Town – by Jason Aldean

Fifty two years after Ten Years After took a dig at the “…freaks and hairies, dykes and fairies…” who tried to normalize depravity, a country singer took a tough stand against the American left’s sleazy, crime-coddling agenda disguised as “justice.” Predictably, wokesters called the song “racist” by overstating vague allusions to lynching. Their main angle with just about anything is the R-word, especially when called out on their evil riots.

This blog has covered the sickness of those people here, so this post is mostly about the hypocrisy of violent gangsta rap music, especially Drill Rap. You never see leftists boycotting that misogynistic, shallow garbage, so why are they fixated on Aldean?

Because he brashly told them what they really are. His lyrics dive right into the American crime wave unleashed by BLM over the death of a drugged-up home invasion robber in 2020, with subsequent trials biased by the threat of more riots.

Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it’s cool, well, act a fool if ya like

Cuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you’re tough

The song mentions guns, but firearms (often illegal) have been a centerpiece of gangsta rap songs for decades, contributing to the cycle of black urban crime. Aldean’s use of the term “round up” is open to interpretation but it mostly looks like a defense plan if mobs of woke-emboldened thugs invade a peaceful town. They’d have every right to post snipers or whatever it takes, e.g. when fracking peaks and thugs run out of urban gas to steal.

Got a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they’re gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luck

Aside from mentioning “good ol’ boys,” that’s as “racist” or violent as his song gets, and keep in mind who started the recent, unprecedented U.S. crime wave. There’s nothing wrong with reacting to crime with a show of force, since that’s all dumb criminals really understand. The “brutal” police know this too well, and mainly try to avoid getting killed when they take out thugs.

Now, read these rap lyrics from a Chicago collaboration of Fly Boy Gang & Young X Dutchie (seemingly a crew of criminals who do music on the side).

My young niggas, they gon’ murder (They’ll murder)
Shoot (Shoot), kill (Kill)…

For real (For real), get killed (Get killed)
Shit real (Shit real) in the field (That field)
So don’t be fuckin’ ’round wit’ my monsters (My monsters)
Got big guns like Contras (Like Contras)…

And the following wickedness is from a 1992 rap song by Ice-T & Body Count, considered a staple of this rarely peaceful genre.

I got my twelve gauge sawed-off
I got my headlights turned off
I’m ’bout to bust some shots off
I’m ’bout to dust some cops off
I’m a cop killer, better you than me
Cop killer, fuck police brutality…

For decades, blacks have tried to mask their rampant crime by scapegoating police reactions to it and glorifying dangerous lifestyles. Mealy mouthed leftists see that as the result of racism (not basic bad character), so the excuses won’t end until enough blacks stop identifying with their worst element. Other races usually shun criminals in their midst, though some Hispanics wallow in gang adulation, which doesn’t improve their reputation.

In the UK, courts have successfully prosecuted black criminals using the very words they write or get inspired by, but once again, woke hypocrites claim they’re just misunderstood, even though rappers around the world are constantly involved in gun or knife deaths. What’s up with people who refuse to simply call criminals bad? Logically, they’re criminals themselves, or extremely naïve about the thug mindset, like those who rescue pit bulls and claim they’re harmless dogs.

Getting back to Jason Aldean’s track: Not only is it a satisfying dig at the left’s twisted love of criminals for racial reasons, it’s a very good tune, musically. Lots of energy, never dull. If it was only strong because of the lyrics, it may not have been noticed as much.

Note that Aldean could have been shot himself had he not been pulled offstage when a maniac started gunning down Las Vegas concert fans in 2017. The far-right and its support for the NRA is another aspect of American gun violence. They share a pseudo-patriotic brand of hypocrisy and detachment from crime victims. White gun zealots need to ditch their own identity politics (emotionally dependent on firearms) and grow some moral character, just like ghetto blacks. Too many guns are in circulation and hoodlums end up getting their stash from thefts and straw purchases of legal guns. It all ties together, and “thoughts & prayers” are useless unless more people take a stand for lives vs. metal worship.

Aldean has also associated himself with Trump, which stains his overall moral character, but this song should stand alone as an anti-woke anthem, acknowledging the singer’s imperfections.

The left has been encouraging a wave of criminal mayhem in American cities for over three years and good people are sick of their smugness about “justified” crime. Wokeists push a combination of Critical Race Theory, bail reform and useless DAs, like the one recalled in S.F. who was literally raised by criminals. Someone had to call out this depravity in a succinct way that grabbed attention beyond standard news debates. Good work, Mr. Aldean!

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Why Black Lives Matter & Antifa are Pointless Causes

Even in a feasible anarcho-communist society, criminals would still exist as part of human nature. Some of them would unavoidably die while resisting arrest, so you’re back at square one. Only a far more evolved species could manage perfect peace and altruism.

Graceland’s stone walls were vandalized with graffiti in Sep. 2020. Was this “justice” for specific black singers Elvis overshadowed? Notice who’s cleaning it up.

The net impact on America of the BLM/Antifa gestalt organism has been this:

  1. Heightened defensiveness and fear among the general public over cherry-picked exaggerations of every possible racist remark or transgression. It defines the word divisive because that’s its intent.
  2. Jobs are lost to virtue-signaling as fear spreads through corporations and makes their images a target. You can’t say anything even slightly off-color about anyone of color, or female.
  3. Whiny, masked cowards run around breaking other people’s property, claiming it “can be replaced,” whereas the lives of robbers, rapists and murderers are sacred if they brawl with police and lose. Antifa types are so deluded that if a black guy shoots them, they’ll blame The System. It couldn’t just be the thug’s violent temper.
  4. More general crime in woke-addled cities, typically affecting poor black people the most (irony lost). This is directly tied to police demoralization and early retirements. SJWs feign “compassion for all people” but won’t walk in a cop’s shoes or learn why arrest tactics usually save lives. Since Antifa knows street fighting dynamics, they should grasp why cops are forced to use knees, etc.

Thanks, BLM & Antifa (pragmatically Blacktifa), for spoiling America on top of Trump’s greed stain you sought to clean up. Your critical thinking skills are weak and, like broken windows, you’ve accomplished nothing of lasting value. Identity politics and victimhood end up empowering the lazy. Look at the setbacks you’ve dealt to true civil rights.

With roughly 100 million deaths, crime and famine aren’t bugs of your Marxist ideology, they’re features. Critical Race Theory has made melanin content more important than MLK’s content of character theme. “Police violence” (which you pretend happens in a vacuum) has become more newsworthy than brutal criminal violence. A number of you have relatives killed by G. Floyd types, but you still don’t get it. See this woke-prefaced 2021 Lancet study that claimed to find a conspiracy of hidden police killings by reinterpreting old data.

For any hope of a stable America, BLAMtifa needs to fade away by the time Biden leaves office. In his zeal to finally get elected, he went along with something he really doesn’t believe in.

Recommended black authors and speakers on this topic, since whites have lost the right to practice parrhesia.

Advice for people who hate the police:

If you don’t want to deal with cops, don’t be a slouchy, sullen, rude criminal, and don’t hang out with those types (people who claim to respect them often just fear them). Try to work with society, even though it’s got unsolvable problems. You’ll find that your skin color is less important than your behaviors and associations, though racism and conflict will never really end. All races are racist to some degree; mistrust of human differences is probably genetic. Just be the best representative of whatever ethnic group you’re in.

If you’re white, quit trying to fight other people’s battles, lay off the drugs (impractical visions), and don’t gripe about “the system” unless you have a workable alternative. Anarchy is lazy and useless. Also, anti-authority types on the trashy Right want to weaken environmental protections. The Left claims to be pro-environment but it supports litterers and vandals if they’re homeless or rioters. Those people just waste resources needed for cleanups and repairs. Stop and study what you’re actually doing, not just how righteous you feel.

P.S. Actually, there is one functional “purpose” to Black Lives Matter. Its M.O. of undermining police is an unintentional eugenics program affecting mostly lower class blacks. By thinning police ranks, BLM enables more violent black criminals (often low I.Q.) to kill each other & innocent bystanders in drive by shootings, etc. This partly controls numbers of the the least intelligent blacks. Whether that’s progress is open to interpretation.

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YouTube/Google Promotes Gratuitous Violence, Disrespect for Wildlife and Resource Waste

Google’s Don’t Be Evil motto has become a long-running joke. They’ll grab view-counts and revenue from the lowest sources.

For all its useful how-to topics, reviews, interviews, music, movies and science documentaries, YouTube fails to enforce its own community guidelines on vile acts and gratuitous death. Nowhere is this more true than “hunting” videos or clips of pet dogs killing various species. Under the vague banner of survival skills or cultural education, YouTube has become an outlet for rural depravity and wildlife serial killers. Positive comments on these videos, like “nice shot!” or “the dogs got him!” reflect the crassness of the material. A typical I.Q.-85 response to negative comments is “if you don’t like it, don’t watch it.” The number of animals succumbing to gunfire far exceeds human-on-human mass shootings, including all wars combined. or

It’s clear that some animals are shot to death solely for making videos, and there’s an apparent rise in voyeuristic hunting licenses just for this purpose. They see other trashy trophy hunters killing for ego and want to add their own corpse piles. Some of these neo-hunters do emphasize ethics, but spread the false impression that wildlife could sustain large populations the “natural” way. They can’t see that urban residents would starve without dense livestock (and planted fields vs. gathering).

This directly describes many loosely-defined “hunting” videos and dog-sick-’em porn. When called on this, YT goes into lawyer-mode or says nothing.

There should be a separate site called SnuffTube for this so-called “recreational” or “educational” content. Trophy and “sport” hunting videos are often filled with slow-motion replays of bullet-strikes, mountain folk testing rifles at cruelly inaccurate distances, or pit bulls shaking rodents to death. Reckless gun-play videos merge into this category, showing yahoos out in the woods or desert “shootin’ stuff and blowin’ stuff up.” They tend to be the very people who ought not own firearms! or

Most gun-play involves wasted target objects, like seeing how many pieces of X caliber Y can penetrate. There’s also a Pranks genre that wastes large volumes of resources, like covering mansions in toilet paper, filling swimming pools with bath bombs, or wasting oil with car stunts and emissions modifications. Vlogging families that record vapid daily routines merge with the prank category, since they tend to gin-up the action. Those videos could be moved to a site called GluttonTube. Many video-creators seem to be fairly wealthy from YouTube revenues and magnify environmental problems caused by disposable income. The whole scene feeds on itself. or

Borderline pornographic content is another common subject, though less technically offensive than weapons-related videos. Countless “yoga” sessions, best named as “hot yoga,” fall into the near-porn category. Women preen and show off under the ruse that it’s not entirely about sex. On or off YouTube, the “fitness model” craze rides on titillation and there’s no end to glossy asses and bathroom selfies. Too much easy exposure to sexual signals must be warping kids. Gone are the days of finding dad’s magazine stash. (it’s all about heath, eh?)

Despite all that, YouTube censors often find free speech more offensive than visually mature or evil content. For example, if you note that POC have a big crime problem but groups like Black Lives Matter try to blame their moral failings on police, the woke brigade may ban you for simply observing the world. This is a systemic problem on other social media sites, of course.

In a best case scenario, YouTube may slyly be allowing trashy videos to showcase the depravity of human nature in the hope that activists will control it, but that seems unlikely. It’s gone on far too long.

One solution could be YouTube eventually running out of server space (typically denied, like most limits on this planet) and being forced to delete millions of hours of junk footage. They could start today with anything that showcases death as entertainment.

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Wind Turbines Planned for Tsau Khaeb National Park in Africa

Given adequate wind, would Americans accept huge bird-dicers on Half Dome, Hurricane Ridge, the Great Smoky Mountains, or the Grand Canyon rim?

In this latest bleak development, Big Wind will produce Big Hydrogen (plus ammonia) in remote Namibia and pretend it’s somehow sustainable. Invading a protected park is wrong on too many levels to lament at once. Energy visionaries, including Elon Musk, have explained that hydrogen is mostly a showy middleman for fossil fuels, especially when machines extracting it are fossil fuel based. It’s the same ruse as desalination “solving” water shortages by shifting energy from one place to another. Nothing is free when large industrial projects generate it.

This sort of project was inevitable, given the frivolous use of words like clean & green, and the growth agenda of the world’s biggest visual polluters. General ocean wind development is already morally shaky. When even national parks aren’t worthy of protecting from this machine army, what ecological values remain? Any other form of industrial blight on preserved lands would push today’s eco-posers to the boiling point. Think of ANWR oil drilling and other footprints they selectively complain about.

Remote places like the Tsaus mountains and local shores make easy targets for wind energy sprawl. These escarpments bear similarities to Oregon’s wind-targeted Steens Mountain.

The location under attack is Namibia’s Tsau Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park, and though it’s a place few will visit, its mere existence was a bonus for nature. This won’t be too different from putting wind turbines on the rim of the Grand Canyon, which soulless American Green$ would approve of. You’ll hear the usual talk of “careful siting,” and the excuse that diamond mines (e.g. Kolmanskop) have marred the Sperrgebiet, but the aesthetics of giant wind turbines create a much bigger contrast with desert lands. Park scenery will clearly be lost to widely visible, spinning towers, topped with red lights. It’s about scale and what sticks out the most. Lack of tree canopies to mask distant views will make it even more obvious.

With this park’s coastal boundary, the look of the Philippines Bangui Bay wind project comes to mind. Blatant beach placement is an affront to everything conservationist once stood for. People can’t seem to fathom how many of these damned eyesores would actually be needed to (not) do much about global warming. They eagerly want to be on board with something “anti” fossil fuels, though it’s built entirely with that energy. Even if it wasn’t, it’s simply too invasive. Eco sellouts, raise your hands if you support exponentially more wind power growth. What did you ever stand for in terms of a scenery ethic? And don’t try to hide the birds, bats & insects killed by these blades!

California’s Manzana project and Bangui Bay, Philippines, reflect potential wind power development inside Tsau Khaeb National Park. 5 gigawatts is a target they mention.

The cold truth is that few natural places are sacred anymore. It only took the prospect of Man losing modern comforts to expose today’s tech-obsessed environmentalism. The big concern isn’t the planet aka nature, rather surviving AGW without too much pain. But you can’t grow your way out of something you willfully grew into.

Read more details on the oft-denied grimness of industrial wind energy: Windschmerz: The Wind Energy Landscape Holocaust and Industrial Wind Turbines and the Rationalized Desecration of Nature

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Woke Wind Energy: No Justice or Peace for Natural Scenery, Wildlife and Rural People

There are few people in this world I could dislike more than farmers and other country types who see the continuation of their quiet way of life as more important than the loud improvement, advancement, development of their society.” – Charles Mudede

Wind power zealotry is an ugly trend, and there’s more than one ideology behind its destructive path. If the above quote isn’t smug enough, the following paraphrased sentences aren’t exaggerated, either.



As revealed in articles and forums, many wind power advocates favor “climate justice” that flips the bird at honest environmentalism and sanctions the killing of real birds & bats. This attitude replaces longstanding conservation principles and uses carbon-obsession as an anti-oppression wedge. Starting in the late 1990s and accelerating in the mid 2000s, the environmental land ethic was buried by carbon monomania, with new emotional blackmail added during the race-obsessed 2010s. Environmentalism has fully absorbed the toxic leftism that repelled conservatives, starting with the 1960s hippie movement.

Just as Antifa & Black Lives Matter damage historical city buildings & statues to annoy mainstream society, wind energy zealots deface the land & sea to gesture “against” the fossil fuel legacy while merely abetting it. Their willingness to ignore these new, bleak landscapes shows the power of mob psychology. Activists may not build the actual wind turbines but they see them as different from old industrial icons like coal mines. Some will applaud mountains and coastlines blighted by giant white spikes, yet claim to despise small sins like Casey Nocket’s rock paintings, nearly invisible outside of social media. Perceived greenness is the color they consider oppressed, not caring about insincere branding. Like their SJW counterparts, WJWs (wind justice warriors) get angry when challenged on assumptions. “YOU MUST BE A RACIST AND A CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER.” Even if you explain that you fully understand AGW, they’ll cancel your opinion.

Leftists see police as an unnecessary evil, and the wind-woke think fossil fuels can also be pragmatically abolished. This agenda is most common among younger people who haven’t formed a balanced worldview, growing up when global warming news framed people as bigger victims than nature. This occurred while PC overpopulation denial became a trend. As with growing human numbers, neo-environmentalists don’t grasp the physical sprawl of “clean” energy relative to the “dirty” energy that builds it. Since dirty builds clean, how is clean not at least soiled? Extraction of all energy resources adds cumulative harm to nature. There’s no easy substitute based on evidence, so they pick the “greenest” angle for their slogans.

In an X (Twitter) debate about all the acreage being invaded by wind turbines in recent decades, this utterly false comment was posted: “We haven’t had natural vistas in a century. Were you even alive in the 1970’s?” It shows the mental blindness they have about machines they want to believe are saving the planet.

There's no free energy lunch and wind power sprawls further due to lower density.
“Renewables” zealots are too drunk on slogans to understand the scale of energy production. You can’t just reuse existing industrial lands.

These people need to be shown that sprawling wind projects can’t exist without portable, sufficiently dense energy to build them. Fossil fuels and wind are allies, not alternatives to each other. Short of a miracle battery that withstands rapid charging and high heat, portable, strong energy can only be had from oil, gas & coal. If you keep trying to build & maintain weak energy machines from only weak energy sources, the laws of ERoI & entropy quickly head toward a net energy cliff. With fossil fuels, the world could shake off ERoI losses because those inputs yielded much denser outputs. “Renewables” speculators refuse to apply that math to their gadgets.

Just look at the enormous size wind turbines require to spin relatively small generators. Their whole structure and array-spacing is inefficient because wind lacks density (vs. water dams). That inefficiency is what makes them so intrusive on nature. No large wind turbine has been built solely with wind or solar power, including materials-mining, fabrication, transport, installation, maintenance and backup power (typically from natural gas). If you’re against fracking yet for wind power, you don’t understand interdependence or scaling math. Wind wokeness also tends to shun hydro power, the ground-level version of aerial turbines.

Other intractable problems with wind energy have been covered on this blog. It’s just important to understand the latest emotional roots of wokeist climate-obsession, labeling those who still respect scenery & wildlife as “deniers.” Resistance to Big Wind doesn’t mean there’s no climate emergency. The eco-woke create a false dilemma with wind as a must-do option, rather than accepting its deep flaws.

A true climate solution is unlikely without degrowth and acceptance of scarcity. But, given Man’s track record, nothing is assured to work in any future scenario. Over the next few decades, small-footprint nuclear power may be the only way to preserve nature’s physical grandeur and the animals that fly through it. If you’re woke for Big Wind, learn more about environmentalism’s roots.

Overall, environmental progress is tainted by identity politics. It puts poor people in the automatic victim category, yet they inflict damage like deforestation through sheer numbers, minus tech-amplification. Personal character always matters, since ruthless takers exist in all groups. A home invasion robber like George Floyd could have become an African rhino poacher, given his failure to respect other laws. Be careful when you pick martyrs for any cause.

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Fools on the Left. Fools on the Right. No End in Sight.

A list of three significant flaws at both fringes. Just another entry in the ongoing theme of this blog.*

Newton's Cradle, showing Left & Right extremes with an apathetic Center.

Foolishness on the political LEFT:

Soft on crime is no stereotype and Democrats keep proving it, as we’ve seen in the 2020/2021 riots. Law enforcement is essential but it’s always messy business, especially when criminals fight back. Those thugs come in different colors and oppress or kill their good neighbors on a daily basis. Slogan-based, quasi-moral gangs like Antifa and Black Lives Matter never riot over those casualties. Using a related professional metaphor, they’d rather attack firemen than sources of ignition.

Socialism in its purest forms can’t work because human nature won’t allow it to. People operate on greed, self-interest and lies as a survival strategy. Power structures will always re-form over time if you destroy them, so why waste energy and resources to return to the same realization? “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it” is another way of stating the obvious. College students, fresh on history from the classroom, often understand it less than alumni who’ve forgotten minutia. Elected leaders should ideally not be under 30 because they’re naive about social processes.

Identity politics and woke historical shaming can’t force life to be fair on this unforgiving planet. All that does is irritate people trying to live their lives. Adults should understand that striving for equality of outcomes has been tried before. Future attempts will fail for the same reasons earlier ones did. Any idealistic youth who’s been on a disappointing date or lost a football game should know you can’t always be welcome or successful. It would take a species without human traits to manage full equity among races, classes and genders.

Foolishness on the political RIGHT:

Global warming is a “hoax” is the default Republican attitude on environmental topics, even if not put that bluntly. They keep assuming CO2 molecules must respect their narrow definitions of freedom and patriotism. They had the same canned skepticism about acid rain, the ozone hole and other forms of man-made pollution, all because avarice and industrial hegemony was questioned. They tend to see nature as beneath them, the height of arrogance, tying into religion (below). Being willfully ignorant of evidence essentially makes people stupid. The Right often operates with reason but builds logic walls around specific topics.

Gun worship is generally a juvenile phase but some people never outgrow it. They get bored with just looking at guns, so they take up crass hobbies like “sport” hunting and rationalize owning far more firepower than needed, which inevitably gets into the hands of criminals. Sometimes, they become those criminals, freaking out and shooting up public places after years of drooling over weaponry. They miss the hypocrisy of gun-fetishism when they complain about crime, gangs crossing the border with stolen firearms, and so on. You can tell they’d rather keep the world violent just to have an enemy to shoot at.

Founded on supernatural beliefs, churches have formed societal structures and inspired morality, but they’re also a venue for ignorance, dwelling on an ancient book that needs major revisions. Many new things have been learned over the centuries in medicine and science, improving life, along with some trade-offs. But knowledge gets selectively interpreted by people of faith who wall themselves off from evidence. As the world gets more crowded and interdependent there’s less room for rigid, dogmatic beliefs. The most dangerous faith-based views involve resource-scarcity denial, like “God will decide when oil peaks” rather than geology.


Humans are too innately tribal to solve chronic social and environmental problems. Many of them enjoy having enemies more than cooperating with each other and nature. Members of each tribe claim that “only those people” have flawed logic. This could be seen as a lack of education or critical thinking deficiencies, but schooling hasn’t worked. Some of the worst offenders are well educated and presume they can’t have biases.

The publicity-shy Center must speak up to prevent the fringes from controlling narratives. Still, not all the best ideas come from the Center; they’re often too bland or stoic. A wise society would choose the smartest concepts from each side and vote on them. It’s doubtful this will happen until an intractable resource-crisis forces it (see other posts on this blog).

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It’s Not Racist To Defend Your Quality Of Life From Different Cultures

Note: Read the FULL content of this post before assuming it’s simplistic or bigoted in these polarized times.

Today’s woke, anti-police movement is naively idealistic and ignores how societies stay functional over time. This overzealous cause has decided that everyone has equal abilities, and any group that fails to thrive at modern* standards must be oppressed by others. Wokeness insists on equal outcomes merely because it seems fair. It’s really a conspiracy theory because it claims the world could be (or once was) truly fair, with scant historical evidence. Our species isn’t capable of consistent altruism, and all races are prejudiced against others in certain ways. Some claim racism only applies when one group has power over another, but there’s a lot more context. Power can simply mean the ability to spoil a neighborhood with unkempt yards or noise. It needn’t require political control.

The starkly-observed real world shows that certain “people of color” shift modern European & Asian societies to a lower level than they’ll tolerate, even if they won’t admit it directly. Some groups just have inherent traits that make their native lands unable to blend with modern life, which drives immigration pressure as they seek better prospects. When they arrive in new lands, a certain percentage will never assimilate or even try. You can ignore this known phenomenon, try to hide it with legislation, or face it squarely. That third approach is forbidden among liberals who prefer a complex framework of denial, driven by guilt over historical sins with no statute of limitations. They treat the past as more important than the future.

They downplay racial groups who overcome adversity on their own. Asian American successes show that quality of life actually rests on collective personal traits, not skin color. They were once persecuted but had the mettle and brainpower to rise above it in new lands. You don’t see them fighting police or trying to impress people with money the easy way. Other groups just haven’t shown enough of those qualities, given centuries to prove otherwise. Beware of books like Guns, Germs and Steel that try to re-frame the obvious to avoid offending anyone. Indignant attitudes over anything that might be offensive are central to identity politics. It’s a lazy strategy to discourage accountability and keep people angry.

Inability to control crime is a common problem in third-world countries, and their physical infrastructure tends to be weak for similar reasons (if they can even build it themselves). They can’t gather enough skills or discipline to make things work in modern ways. Similarly, groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter find crime acceptable because they’re too lazy to live in a rigorous (sometimes boring) way that keeps human nature in line. Instead, they want everyone to be agitated, constantly high, and free to avoid solid routines. This doesn’t align with pragmatic ways of living, and many of them are too young to see why. Radicals are mainly good at throwing tantrums and breaking things, so police are their natural enemies. No need to take it much deeper than that! There will always be some oppression, but many oppressors can be found in the mirror.

Antifa & Black Lives Matter riots.
Antifa & Black Lives Matter are anarcho-communists who want to “f-ck shit up” but the media constantly downplays their violence.

Blacks have an unruly, impulsive subgroup (akin to dumb rednecks) that constantly disrespects anyone in earshot or gunshot range. We’re allowed to mock trashy rednecks as bad neighbors, yet forced to have sympathy for their black counterparts due to historical oppression, and therein lies the problem. Their life soundtrack (also adopted by nasty whites) is angry rap music that amplifies negative traits. The 2021 Miami Beach spring break crowds were a recent example; primarily rowdy black people “doing what they do” without regard for others. Noisy hip-hop culture, twerking and unintelligible yammering are a big part of it. How they got that way in America is complicated, but it can be traced to 1960s welfare programs breaking up families and making fathers optional. Street gangs fill the void and crime follows. It’s a fact of life that men get out of control more easily than women, and have to be raised correctly.

It’s OK to admit what’s already clear to millions of Americans stuck living amid it. The media (liberal aspect) tries to hide black crime by blaming law enforcers and coddling the lawless over old race grievances. Joe Biden didn’t stand for that excuse in 1993, but he’s gambling big with the race card now. See more details on the crime topic and why George Floyd was no John Lewis (bad trouble vs. good trouble). The Derek Chauvin trial verdict was overwrought to appease thug culture and maintain a victimhood narrative. It should have been about one arrestee and a jaded cop, not a nationwide referendum on police, as if criminals are kind & gentle to others of their race. Cops don’t exist to “oppress POC.” They keep bad people in check, and should be respected for vital work. We’d need literal robocops for no errors to occur.

Conservative and generally wise blacks often point this out but get branded as Uncle Toms because they aren’t afraid to be intelligent or “act white.” The constantly complaining black element isn’t friendly to criminals by chance. Pseudo-intellectual whites who support Black Lives Matter assume that breaking windows and setting fires is a form of redress, not just destruction. They’re bent on defunding and deconstructing modern police and replacing them with warlords and biased rules that fail in civilized nations (Seattle’s CHAZ/CHOP was purely parasitic). They somehow think it’s a fresh idea that appeals to the public.

Few Americans want to see this become normalized. Our homeless camps look similar for good reason.

Civilized people want clean, quiet, nice surroundings, not homeless camps, social parasites and criminals doing whatever they please. Reasonable people don’t harp on random police blunders when it’s obvious who’s truly brutal and committing the most crime, in America and Europe after they dived into multiculturalism. Slavery and old white sins are a separate issue from modern crime control, but social justice zealots want to merge everything into one big gripe against the system. They offer nothing historically workable as a replacement, just cheap slogans and ruined property.

Equality of outcome is an unrealistic goal, since people end up where they are via ambition, brainpower and many subtle factors, not just external forces. We’re a lot more like tree branches than leaves on the wind. But equality of outcome is a central thesis of socialists who refuse to accept the foundations of human nature. Many of them mean well but they don’t accurately observe longstanding patterns (what works and what doesn’t). They exist in a stupor of blind hope, often aided by drugs that give a false sense of expanded awareness.

As other posts on this blog point out, modern* economies are unsustainable in their current form, but taking the sleazy road by blaming law enforcement for maintaining livability is the realm of criminals, not true progressives. We can’t keep lowering moral & achievement bars to please people who gripe unless everything’s given to them.

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Rush Limbaugh: Social Sage, Environmental Lout

The February 17, 2021 death of radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh shouldn’t be made light of, as predicted when he first announced his terminal cancer. Despite his legendary crassness, he was a significant figure in America and deserves a mixed eulogy, if not a Medal of Freedom.


Limbaugh exposed a lot of hypocrisy among the irrational Left, which played out in the worst way when nasty reactions to George Floyd’s arrest ignored the full context of his behavior and medical conditions. Limbaugh had been one of loudest voices to hit back at a culture of naive “fairness” at odds with the facts of crime and human nature. People say Republicans are mean-spirited but Man is often a mean animal under a veneer of politeness. Criminals who fight police are a brutal lot, yet Leftists only want to talk about their “unfair” treatment as if nothing precedes it. Goons like Antifa magnified this beyond all reason after Trump’s election.

Limbaugh spoke a lot about crime and the welfare state, and conservative blacks mostly agree. The Left’s treatment of minority races (soon to become majority) as “victims” of everyone else has always been a guilt-laden fable. A look at black & Latino crime rates in America and their native lands proves it. They’re constantly trying to emigrate from tyranny, crime and poverty endemic to their own cultures (typically loud and unstable). Aside from the evils of slavery, America has been foreigners’ top destination for good reason: We are consistently fairer than their homelands! Dwelling only on America’s past sins ignores global history. No race has earned sainthood.

Irrational people believe extreme socialism is workable, based on denial of pride-of-ownership and people’s innate desire to be autonomous. They also try to force genetic flukes and weird lifestyles into the realm of normalcy, which would only work sans legislation if it felt natural. Only a small segment of the populace – unusually kind and forgiving – could manage full tolerance, cooperation and sharing with others, yet they insist entire societies could do it “if only” their perfect social order was enforced. They can’t see that very need to enforce such a plan renders it hypocritical and unworkable. Human nature requires laws and regulations to control self-interest, which leads to Limbaugh’s dark side….


Throughout his radio, TV and writing career, Limbaugh never grasped nature’s importance to life itself, or people’s utter dependence on finite resources that growth-economies keep depleting. He wasn’t overtly religious and seemed mostly motivated by greed and hubris. His famous “undeniable truths” were a laundry list of human arrogance, carried out by Presidents like Reagan, G.W. Bush and of course Trump.

It’s unfortunate that Limbaugh didn’t live long enough to see his Florida mansion flooded by global warming but it may not have mattered to him. He was stuck on the worst aspect of the GOP with his staunch indifference to the laws & limits of nature. Conservatives should be on the forefront of conservation, not pushing foolish gluttony. Nature doesn’t care about ideology, just physics and time.

Limbaugh’s disrespectful “Born Free” segment mocking endangered species was one of his low points. Here’s a full post on right-wingers versus nature to avoid redundancy in this section. On the closely related topic of fossil fuels, Limbaugh and the GOP have told many lies over the years, covered here. To be fair, many Democrats have also sold out to industrial sprawl they spin as clean and green.

Improving the GOP:

What used to be a values-centered party, tainted by greed, has morphed into mostly greed and willful ignorance of science. Tucker Carlson of Fox News is similarly thickheaded on environmental topics, but comes across as more decent than Limbaugh. A new sense of fairness and (true) balance is badly needed in the Republican party. They need to stop seeking profit over morality and supporting crass populists like Donald Trump. QAnon fools like Marjorie Taylor Greene don’t help their image, either. Tolerating such people in your ranks is like “peaceful protestors” mingling with Antifa. Republicans could get more votes from centrists if they stuck with solid views on human nature but stopped disrespecting nature itself.

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Hey, Joe Biden.* Where You Gonna Put 60,000 More Wind Turbines?

USGS wind turbine database as of 11-12-20 (green replaced with blue).
If Biden is successful with a version of the Green New Deal, what you see above could be doubled with bleak urgency (source).

With Donald Trump grudgingly leaving office, we’ve lost one of the few major politicians willing to criticize the crass blight of industrial wind turbines. Though he was crass himself and fabricated certain details, he was morally right on this issue. Wind turbines may not directly cause cancer, but they’re like a cancerous growth on nature, taking over too much horizontal and vertical space in areas untouched by older energy projects. Even 22 years ago, their sprawl could no longer be described as novel and welcome. Nothing so blatantly ugly, noisy, lethal and futile has been marketed as “green” with such blind ambition. Relatively few environmentalists bother to ask if wind power meaningfully reduces carbon, or whether other footprints still matter. They assume anything beats smokestacks, even if it resembles hordes of them, minus blades.

A greenly zealous President Biden plans to carry on with Obama’s PTC wind power legacy after a notable construction lapse during Trump’s term. In his 2020 campaign, Biden spoke of building 60,000 more wind turbines on top of the 65,548 already spiking America (as of this posting-date). If funding is secured, this politically-correct and bipartisan destruction of nature will resume unless rural landowners and honest environmentalists put up roadblocks. But where would all these new eyesores be built? Offshore ocean sites promise more consistent wind and less visibility, but theory & reality have clashed and permitting is slow. It’s been unrealistic to put turbines far enough offshore and keep them affordable, including maintenance at sea.

Row of wind turbines spoils another mountain ridge (in BC).
One’s reaction to a scene like this determines whether nature matters versus coddling people’s endless needs. You’re reading the wrong blog if you find this beautiful!

This means Biden’s Departments of Interior & Energy are likely to target pragmatic onshore locations, including besieged mountaintops where wind can be most effectively “harvested” (a term also applied to anthropocentric hunting). Since wind “farms” unavoidably destroy scenery and bird & bat habitat, big environmental groups have responded to the encroachment with denial, covered at length here and here. They downplay the visceral impact of giant machines and replace it with shill-terms like “installed capacity.” To be green now, you must itemize nature as a product and wrap it around metrics.

There’s been a misleading controversy over Biden’s plan to “replace” fossil fuels with quasi-renewables, upsetting the livelihoods of traditional energy workers. It’s based on a widespread misunderstanding of energy scale and the dependency of most infrastructure on fossil fuels for construction and maintenance. The laws of physics will not allow wind or solar to actually replace oil, gas and coal. Once one understands the scale problem, nuclear power becomes our best hope in the electricity sector, though it can’t replace what fossil fuels do best. Recent urgency in approving molten salt SMRs, and fast-tracking fusion, shows that scientists understand the limits of wind & solar. Both Democrats and Republicans are too vague about our energy predicament, compounded by general denial of scarcity.

Cutesy can't hide ugly.
Quaint clip art can’t really soften what these machines do to landscapes. The world has over 360,000 wind turbines as of 2020.

We can hope that Biden’s “500 million” new solar panels are only built on roofs and parking lots, but wind turbines can’t be “carefully sited” much longer, if it was ever true. We’re stuck with the same dilemma of sacrificing open space for the growing demands of people. With Trump, this took the form of shrinking national monuments and more oil & gas drilling, which at least didn’t pretend to be green. Biden will be compelled to spoil nature in “smarter” ways, rationalizing huge structures that wreck the facade of wilderness faster than anything else.

And, just as Trump weakened hunting regulations to appease right-wingers, Biden will be forced to weaken protections for anything that flies in the path of wind turbine gauntlets, e.g. more eagle-take permits. When America’s national bird and scenic heritage are threatened by “clean energy,” you wonder what qualifies as dirty these days. If Joe Biden really thinks Big Wind is green, one needs to say “Come on, man!”

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Republicans Disrespect Nature’s Laws and Democrats Disrespect Law Enforcement

America is stuck with rigid ideologies that follow logic in some areas and denial in others. This post covers two big examples from the first Trump versus Biden Presidential debate on September 29, 2020.

Biden lies about Leftist and black crime, Trump lies about climate change and fires.
Biden lies about black & leftist crime while Trump lies about climate change and increasingly bad wildfires.

Trump spent most of the debate flouting the question & answer format, talking over both Biden and moderator Chris Wallace (one of Fox News’ most reasonable anchors). Of course, this wasn’t surprising and probably didn’t hurt Trump’s reputation. Biden went in with more to lose, given his earned reputation for talking incoherently.

Thankfully, Biden didn’t make any major gaffes, but he lied about this summer’s violence not being Left-wing, and dodged questions about police support for his candidacy. This was done to appease his BIPOC supporters who see themselves as permanent victims. He gave murky answers about how to balance calls for defunding police and keeping crime down, but told the truth about a rioting trend driven by Trump as agitator-in-chief. If he’s re-elected, America faces a dilemma of even worse riots, and the same difficulties in controlling them.

When Wallace persisted on the topic of climate, Trump refused to indict CO2 as a problem, changing the subject to the “crystal clear” water & air he’s fought against by defunding the EPA. He also repeated tiresome lies about “forest management” being enough to prevent fires from spreading in states like California and Oregon. Trump doesn’t consider the size of affected lands (workers could never reach it all) and many fires burn in grass and brush, not mature or dead trees. Also, was there ever such management in previous decades of lesser fires? He cited Europe as an example of managed forests, failing to note that they’ve cleared more of theirs relative to America, as an older civilization. Also, much of Europe is at higher latitudes than the U.S. with fewer long hot spells. Context like that is wasted on Trump and his low-information followers.

In summary, the Left’s refusal to address obvious links between black crime and numbers of police encounters (or even Antifa’s existence as a group) is no less dishonest than the Right’s refusal to accept evidence for man-made global warming and other environmental hazards. There are no real sages in mainstream politics, just appeasers of mob thinking. Society’s in an endless bickering rut, fueled by shallow social media normalization. Wise legislators would block future Presidents from tweeting to maintain dignity of the office by keeping all statements official. The Constitution never saw Presidents as bartenders!

As for which pack of lies is more dangerous, this author thinks environmental denials are much worse in the long run, but the Left is also wrong about how to save the planet, so most agendas are troublesome unless nuclear power takes off (see new hope for that). This blog is far more concerned about nature staying intact than solving intractable social issues. Both political parties are missing the point that survival is our biggest concern in this overcrowded world. It’s dumb to make racial excuses for crimes against people and even dumber to profit from crimes against nature.

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